Pecan and Mallee Honey Launch Plan


  1. LinkedIn account set up (October) {Complete}
  2. Boost promote Facebook page to build followers (October)
  3. Pre-Production Run & Samples (November) {Complete}
  4. Sell-in kit developed (March)
  5. Media release written (March)
  6. LinkedIn article written (April)
  7. Draft letter to bloggers & influencers (April)
  8. Identify list of bloggers & influencers (March)
  9. Ship selling kits to distributors (May)
  10. Produce “New – Pecan and Mallee Honey” digital print shelf talker (April)
  11. Production (June)
  12. Distributors sell in to store (May)
  13. Write social media posts for post launch (May)
  14. Ship stock to distributors (May)
  15. Send shelf talkers to distributors (May)
  16. Stock to stores (1st week June 2018)
  17. Media release sent to media (1st week June 2018)
  18. Post letter and sample to bloggers and influencers (1st week June 2018)
  19. Official launch at Good Food & Wine Melbourne (1st week June 2018)
  20. Facebook posts commence at rate every two days (1st week June 2018)
  21. Boost one post (10th June 2018)
  22. Publish LinkedIn article (11th June 2018)